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Bop Kabbalah mp3 download


256 kbps mp3 format



Track List­ing:
1. The Cos­sack Who Smelt of Vodka
2. (Con­ver­sa­tion With) Ghosts
3. Snout
4. The Syn­a­gogue Detective
5. After All That Has Happened
6. Tal­mu­dic Breakbeat
7. Exchang­ing Pleas­antries With a Wall
8. The Voice That Led Us Here and Then Waltzed/Hobbled Away
Total Time: 52 minutes
All com­po­si­tions writ­ten and arranged by Ty Citer­man and pub­lished by Bop Kab­bal­ah (SESAC)
With Ty Citer­man (elec­tric gui­tar, pre­pared gui­tar and elec­tron­ics), Adam D Gold (drums), Ben Holmes (trum­pet) and Ken Thom­son (bass clarinet)
Record­ed by Damon Whit­te­more in NYC, Decem­ber 2013 and Jan­u­ary 2014
©2014 Tzadik Records

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